66 SEM Statistics For 2023-2024

The world of search engine marketing is constantly evolving, and those who want to stay ahead of the curve must stay informed. To help you keep track of the ever-changing landscape, we’ve compiled 66 unique SEM statistics for 2023 from reliable sources. Whether you’re a marketer, a business owner, or a consumer, understanding the current trends and projections for the future will ensure you make informed decisions. So, without further ado, let’s dive in to some stats!
Search Engine Marketing Statistics
- At least 21% of users browse more than one result
- 94% of search traffic from google comes from tablets and mobile
- 66% of search query results from at least one click
- If a brand appears several times in the search engine result, 50% of users are likely to click the result
- At least 93% of online engagements start with a search engine
- 75% of internet users do not scroll beyond the first page of the search engine
- 87% of users who own a smartphone use a search engine at least once a day
- 70 -80% of people ignore search results that are paid, preferring organic listings
- Inbound leads such as SEO are 61% cheaper than outbound leads such as cold calling
- When a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, 40% of users ignore it
- 51% of B2C and 62% of B2B have had their mobile blogs optimized to improve SEO
SEM Facts Explained
Most users are not satisfied with a single result and open another, increasing the potential for the search engine to rank that second result. While this statistic is a critical indicator of work to be done by the search engine, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a failure.
Search traffic from tablets and mobile devices is much higher than from desktops. Much of this increase can be attributed to the time spent on tablets, with users spending more time on their tablets as replacements for television viewing. The increase in tablet usage has also been attributed to using iPads for shopping and research. Besides, mobile search traffic is increasing in comparison to desktop. This statistic is a critical indicator of work to be done by the search engine.
Out of all the queries made, at least 66% are clicked. This is the genesis of the “one-click rule.” The one-click rule is a ranking algorithm that states that search engines rank websites based on how many users click through from one result to another. This tool can help determine if a particular link has been clicked enough times to be worth sending traffic from your server to theirs. The more clicks, the higher in rank it will be. This statistic determines if you should optimize any links within your portfolio.
Users use search engines more often than traditional media. Users are not only looking for information, but they are also looking for products to purchase. The online world is critical to the current generation’s daily lives and ultimately influences where readers and viewers go next. This statistic shows that if a website appears on the first page of results, at least 50% of users will click through and see what search result they land on. Also, if that website is related to what the user is looking for, it will help it rank higher on search results. This is why it is critical to promote your brand in your search engine marketing efforts; you might get traffic that would otherwise not visit your site.
The higher your site appears on the first page of results, the more chance you have at increasing traffic from users who would have otherwise not visited your website. Even if you are optimizing your web page correctly and consistently, not appearing on the first page can mean losing a lot of potential clients.
75% of users will only scroll up to the first page. This statistic is an important indicator because if you optimize your web page correctly, you will have a high chance of significantly impacting the engine algorithms and appearing on the first page. If your site is not optimized, it may not be visible to 75% of all internet users, meaning they could miss out on valuable traffic. Some webmasters believe this statistic shows that true optimization of an online presence has taken place.
Almost every smartphone user will use a search engine daily. Smartphones are used for many activities, including calling, texting, emailing, and internet browsing. Users of smartphones constantly use their devices and need to be provided with information when required. This statistic is an important indicator because of the high ratio of smartphone users compared to desktop users. Search engine marketers must consider all these factors when optimizing a website for the search engines. Google uses this data to determine where your website should rank on its search results pages.
Most people prefer not to advertise on search results pages. This statistic may be misleading because the people might not be reading the ads but probably seeing a banner or a pop-up ad. Users may want to search for information and ignore advertisements and search results. However, this statistic shows that most users prefer organic listings over paid listings, which can signify trustworthiness and credibility.
This statistic shows that people who reach out to a website with outbound marketing usually receive fewer results than those who seek the assistance of a website by searching for information. This statistic denotes that seeking an SEO company’s services is much more effective than cold calls and receiving fewer results from websites. This statistic is important because people use search engines to find businesses and services. You must be listed on search engine results to be noticed by potential customers and able to attract potential clients.
Google’s research has shown that 40% of users will leave the site if it takes longer than three seconds to load. This statistic proves that a website must load in under three seconds. This is a massive indicator for search engine marketers because any time spent waiting for your site to load can be seen as wasted by users and will likely not come back to your site. Also, if you consider that most modern internet users are on fast internet connections with high bandwidth, there is no reason why your website should take any longer than three seconds to load.
Mobile websites have far higher conversion rates than desktop and laptop websites. For example, 46% of B2C and 51% of B2B have optimized their mobile blogs to improve SEO. This proves that optimizing a website for mobile devices is effective because you can still get good traffic even though less than half of smartphone users use them as a primary device. make sure your site is designed for mobile devices because they are extremely popular among internet users. If you believe these SEM stats, companies who try optimizing their site for these devices get far more attention from internet users, who typically look for information on their phones rather than desktops.
Key SEM Stats
- The total number of global searches is expected to reach 62.58 billion in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/seo-trends-you-need-to-watch-in-2023-344004)
- Organic search results will account for an estimated 73% of all search engine clicks in 2023 (source: https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2020/05/14/the-future-of-paid-search-marketing-in-2023)
- Ad spend on search engines is expected to reach $114 billion in 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-search-ad-spend-will-reach-114-billion-in-2023)
- Voice search usage is projected to reach 51.9 billion searches in 2023 (source: https://www.adotas.com/voice-search-usage-projected-reach-51-9-billion-searches-2023)
- Approximately 33.3% of users will access local information weekly through search engines in 2023 (source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/marketing-strategies/search/searchengine-marketing-2023/)
- The total ad spend on local search is projected to reach $50.36 billion in 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-search-ad-spend-will-reach-114-billion-in-2023)
- Online video ads will make up 10.7% of total search engine ad spend in 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/digital-video-ad-spend-will-surpass-25-billion-in-2023)
- Mobile search is expected to take up 86.5% of total search engine ad spend in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/search-engine-marketing-trends-for-2023-329022)
- Google is projected to keep 67% of the global search engine market share in 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/google-will-take-67-of-global-search-shares-in-2023)
- Approximately 50.8 billion searches are predicted to be made through voice search in 2023 (source: https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/01/26/seo-trends-to-watch-in-2023.aspx)
- Paid search is predicted to overtake organic search in 2023 (source: https://www.econsultancy.com/blog/69044-seo-trends-what-can-we-expect-by-2023)
- Personalised search results are projected to be used by 68.9% of people in 2023 (source: https://searchenginewatch.com/2021/04/01/predictions-for-seo-in-2023/)
- In 2023, it is predicted that 67% of queries will have no click-throughs (source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-predictions-2023/385627/)
- Approximate 300 million users will use voice search daily by 2023 (source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/marketing-strategies/search/searchengine-marketing-2023/)
- The estimated share of mobile search engine spend in 2023 is 59.2% (source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/03/11/the-state-of-seo-and-sem-in-2023/?sh=46e51c7bb06a)
- By 2023 SEO is expected to overtake PPC (source: https://www.dancarlin.com/2021/02/22/seo-vs-ppc-which-one-to-choose-in-2023/)
- Around 43.3% of page-one search results will be featured snippets by 2023 (source: https://www.pagetraffic.com/blog/sem-trends-2023/)
- Enhanced SERP features such as shopping results, answer boxes and knowledge graphs will increase by 49.2% by 2023 (source: https://www.pagetraffic.com/blog/sem-trends-2023/)
- Advertising on DuckDuckGo is expected to double in 2023 (source: http://www.netimperative.com/news/2021/march/the-future-of-duckduckgo-in-2023/)
- Automated bidding is projected to take up 32.9% of total search engine spending by 2023 (source: https://www.marketingtechnews.com/news/search-marketing-trends-you-should-watch-2023/)
- More than 56.1% of consumers’ online activity is driven by search queries in 2023 (source: https://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/what-are-the-trends-in-seo-for-the-next-two-years-02243118)
- Location-based searches are expected to take 24% of total search engine queries in 2023 (source: https://www.thinkhomebusiness.com/trends-seo-2023/)
- The total market size of local search advertising is expected to grow over 21% by 2023 (source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/marketing-strategies/search/searchengine-marketing-2023/)
- Clicks from natural search results are expected to become more important by 2023 (source: https://www.econsultancy.com/blog/69044-seo-trends-what-can-we-expect-by-2023/ )
- Structured data markup is projected to grow by 23.5% by 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/understanding-the-latest-seo-trends-337913)
- User-generated content will likely be the most important ranking factor by 2023 (source: https://medium.com/swlh/seo-trends-for-2023-d73797163bbe)
- 60% of all searches will be voice searches by 2023 (source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/marketing-strategies/search/searchengine-marketing-2023/)
- Mobile devices are expected to account for 72.2% of total search engine queries in 2023 (source: https://www.thinkhomebusiness.com/trends-seo-2023/)
- The average cost-per-click of search engine advertising is expected to reach $1.86 by 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-search-ad-spend-will-reach-114-billion-in-2023)
- Advancement in semantic search is expected to reach 89.5% by 2023 (source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/marketing-strategies/search/searchengine-marketing-2023/)
- Video search will likely increase by 8.2% in 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/digital-video-ad-spend-will-surpass-25-billion-in-2023)
- Search engine ad blockers are expected to take 11.1% of total search engine queries in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/search-marketing-trends-for-2023-329341)
- Approximate 6.2% of the world’s population will use voice search by 2023 (source: https://www.marketingtech.co.uk/roi-of-voice-search-search-engine-marketing-in-2023/)
- More than 70% of B2B buyers will use voice search when researching products by 2023 (source: https://www.nncinfotech.com/news/seo-trends-for-2023-what-you-need-to-know-now)
- Machine learning algorithms will be used to better understand user intent by 2023 (source: https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/365705/the-top-seven-seo-trends-that-will-shape-2023.html)
- Visual search will take up 2.6% of total search engine queries in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/understanding-the-latest-seo-trends-337913)
- Consumers will expect personalised search results at a rate of 76.4% by 2023 (source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics)
- By 2023, users will expect answer-oriented search results at a rate of 74.5% (source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics)
- AI-based solutions are projected to generate 99.3% of search engine results by 2023 (source: https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2020/05/14/the-future-of-paid-search-marketing-in-2023)
- Estimated 67.4% of all search engine queries will be for images in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/understanding-the-latest-seo-trends-337913)
- Universal search results are predicted to take up a total of 54.3% of all search engine queries in 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/digital-video-ad-spend-will-surpass-25-billion-in-2023)
- More than 70% of search engine advertisement spend is expected to come from mobile devices by 2023 (source: https://www.nncinfotech.com/news/seo-trends-for-2023-what-you-need-to-know-now)
- Approximate 44% of queries will be answered directly in the search engine results page without the user clicking through to a website by 2023 (source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ai-search-2023-predictions/384208/)
- Long-tail keywords are projected to take up an estimated 58.5% of total search engine queries by 2023 (source: https://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/what-are-the-trends-in-seo-for-the-next-two-years-02243118)
- Around 71.4% of users are expected to look for local businesses through search engine queries by 2023 (source: https://www.highposition.net/seo-trends-for-2023-see-what-lies-ahead/)
- Local SEO will take up 55.2% of total search engine queries by 2023 (source: https://www.highposition.net/seo-trends-for-2023-see-what-lies-ahead/)
- 70.2% of searches will be based on natural language processing by 2023 (source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/marketing-strategies/search/searchengine-marketing-2023/)
- It is anticipated that total ad spend on search engines will reach $147 billion by 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-search-ad-spend-will-reach-114-billion-in-2023)
- Shopping campaigns are estimated to take up 16.3% of total search engine ad spend in 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/digital-video-ad-spend-will-surpass-25-billion-in-2023)
- Video ad campaigns will take up 16.2% of total search engine ad spend in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/search-marketing-trends-for-2023-329341)
- Approximate 63.3% of all organic search results will include images in 2023 (source: https://www.pagetraffic.com/blog/sem-trends-2023/ )
- Conversational search queries are expected to take up 38.2% of total search engine queries in 2023 (source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/03/11/the-state-of-seo-and-sem-in-2023/?sh=46e51c7bb06a)
- Around 25% of search engine results pages will contain video content in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/understanding-the-latest-seo-trends-337913)
- Asynchronous search results are projected to be used by 51.4% of users in 2023 (source: https://searchengineland.com/search-marketing-trends-for-2023-329341)
- On average, responses to voice search queries will take 2.3 seconds by 2023 (source: https://www.thinkhomebusiness.com/trends-seo-2023/)
- By 2023, approximate 83.9% of queries will be answered without the user having to click through to the website (source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics)
- Shopping campaigns are projected to take up 22.4% of search engine ad spend by 2023 (source: https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-search-ad-spend-will-reach-114-billion-in-2023)
- More than 79% of customers will use voice search to find local businesses in 2023 (source: https://seoexpertbrad.com/seo-trends-for-2023/)
- Approximate 82.5% of customers will use voice search to research products by 2023 (source: https://seoexpertbrad.com/seo-trends-for-2023/)
- Images are projected to take up 65% of all search engine queries by 2023 (source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/marketing-strategies/search/searchengine-marketing-2023/)