Prompt Engineering


AI ChatGPPT Prompt Marketplace AIPRM Statistics 2023 AIPRM is an AI Prompt Marketplace for ChatGPT, Midjourney & DALL-E1. It offers a list of curated prompt templates for SEO, SaaS, and more to ChatGPT2. AIPRM has over 1,500,000 users2. The AIPRM browser extension has many free features, but also many new premium features like “Favorites,” “Hidden,” … Read more

key results for prompt engineering statistics

Prompt Engineering Stats

Interesting Prompt Engineering Statistics for 2023-2024 Some jobs in prompt engineering can pay up to $335,000 a year. The number of posts referring to “generative AI” has increased 36-fold compared to the previous year. The number of job postings containing “GPT” rose by 51% between 2021 and 2022. Anthropic, a Google-backed AI startup, is advertising … Read more

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